I love to paint recycled glass bottles!
Most recycled bottles need a little bit of cleaning first. Here’s how I got the gunk of mine:
Next, I did a little taping and priming:

This is the first bottle I tackled, and I’m going to warn you: I threw it in the trash when it was done, because something bad happened right at the end. I started with some drawing:
And here’s a speed through of the whole process:
The thing I did wrong on this bottle was not giving it a coat of primer. The frosted glass spray was a good start, but it’s not really designed to be painted over. White spray primer should have gone over the frost, to give the paint something to grab onto.
As a result, the paint lifted off the glass when I was sealing it:

This was a bust, but that’s OK, because I learned what to do next time. Don’t forget the primer!